Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for November, 2011


Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 26, 2011

Took a fkight to civilization. Flew out of Japan. So much more pleasurable than flying with. Chinese.

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Drinking Mud in China

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 24, 2011

I am torturing myself, ie watching commie TV. The show I am suffering through is about some Chinese poor who eat mud as they swear it is good for you. The problem is that although they think that by making a tea of dirt, that it’s alleviating their ailments, it is worsening them.
Now to bring out my sensitive side…
Damn, just think, a

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Poison Pork Sold in China

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 24, 2011

This site says Wanchai Ferry pork is poisonous and has been jerked from the shelves. If you’ve already eaten some then tough luck, that is what you get for living in China…..

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Another Chinese Lender Cannot Service its Debts

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 24, 2011

Ashes, Ashes, they all fall down!!!
From here
“The Wenzhou-based Liren Education Group’s inability to repay loans taken out from private investors has become the city’s largest private lending scandal to date, involving 2.2 billion yuan (US$345.77 million), the Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily reports.”

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Coke Heads, Glory Days and Chinese History

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 23, 2011

Im sitting here watching Chinese TV aka propaganda and untruths. One of the things I noticed his how great China was, as in past tense. In all the movies, shows, and literature, this place was a veritable haven for innovation and …fashion …yikes. While not one to be cynical, I have to call shenanigans.
While I would agree that no one wants to watch despair and oppression, I would like to think that the powers that be in communist ‘ville would opt for a touch of realism in their shows. In all the shows the Chinese dress and behave like humans, and all is good.
I think it may seem easy for you to believe these lies about China , for those of us who have lived here its not. To imply or state that the classy man in the fedora was somehow transformed into the doddering half wit sloughing down my hall in his boxers while his meaty fingers toy with his johnson as he shephards the next generation of familial disappointment, I have my doubts.
On the silver screen the dashing guy has more charm than Bond and the oratory powers of Lincoln, but today in between spiting in the elevator and yanking on his junk , he’s barely able to utter a civil word.
Which brings me to my point. WTF is wrong with these people?
sure they are communists but so are Cubans, but they act human. And Cuban chics are sexy and classy to boot. They don’t while away their days inspecting their finger tips now liberated from peeked nostrils then wiping it on the subway doors. The cubans move with class. sure they became commies about the time Mao etl al began starving 40 million chinese to death,so this place had a head start on the pathway to hell, but the Cubans are light years ahead in terms of civilization.
So wtf is wrong with China

At the end of the day it is like this. These guys remind me of that coke head from West Liberty Iowa, who through gritted teeth and grinding preaches about his glory days back in the 80’s as he searches for the yearbook while screaming at Sue Ellen to shut those fucking kids up before he blows his stack. Knocking aside leaflets from the local farmers co-op, he goes on about the time while only a 9th grader he got into the varsity game for a play or two. To hear him tell it, he was a star. but as your eyes travel across his double wide littered with animal dung and peanut butter, you have your doubts. But the guy has the healthiest quarters in town, so you stay long enough to stock up and then hit the bricks.

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China’s Housing Crunch – Angry Customers “Spiffed for Price Difference”

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 23, 2011

Where else but China would people whose housing value has declined complain and demand money back? Yeah according to this site, Chinese were upset that property prices took a dive and stormed the offices of the developers demanding a discount.
The crazy thing is that instead of forcing the Chinese to behave like rational humans and suck it up, the builders acquiesced…wtf?
What kind of country does not force people to be responsible for their actions?
The good news is that China is sending more and more of these people to our schools and places of business….

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Chinese Pollution

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 23, 2011

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Migrant Worker Home in China

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 22, 2011

This is where underpaid Chinese migrant workers live. Its a shack and better than most.

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Poetic Words on China’s Soon to Fail Economy

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 22, 2011

From the Big Brewskie
“Something the optimists keep missing is this isn’t just about China. The toilet swirl you hear roaring next door is driven by two other titans – the euro, and a (soon to be) doubler-dipper US. I’ve been guessing China may be jessst a little late to the global downturn; however, do you expect China, who’s dependent the two’s teets to nurse the export machination, to hum harmoniously while her two biggest customers get sick? Are her consumers, other than a relative minority (60-70 million people) picking up the slack? Hell no.

And the assumption China’s going to spin the hamster wheel GDP wheel at 8%+ RPMs for 20 more years is ridiculous. No country’s maintained this kind of growth for 50 years; China won’t be the first.

And besides. Andy Xie’s starting to sound the bell. Now unexpectedly out of Andy, he’s more optimistic of China’s economy than expected, and think the downturn will be short-lived; he must be losing his touch with age like George Lucas. Or he hasn’t spent enough time inside China’s sick economic machinations to understand how fucked up her kettle of swill is.

Here’s a bet: Let Xie nest in a new high-price condo for a few years, and he’ll hit an epiphany that his condo, is, a microcosm of everything that’s wrong in China. He’ll write about the one moment that jacked the “mental suppository” hard in his head: when his toilet got sick again, and vomited crap in his face when a neighbor flushed theirs.

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China and Her Movies

Posted by w_thames_the_d on November 22, 2011

From the work “Indigenous Innovation”

“Road of Renaissance” mixes two conflicting sentiments: victory and victimization. These
clashing themes of unbridled national pride vs. distrust of foreigners are cross-stitched
throughout the fabric of China’s national psyche and political culture. They are also deeply
entrenched in China’s vast economic planning bureaucracy and fused into the DNA of the
country’s extensive new industrial policies that Party leaders have hung under the banner of
“Indigenous Innovation.”

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