Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for December 14th, 2011

China Pollution Pics, Comparing Days

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 14, 2011

Here are photos taken a few days apart in Beijing. You can see the dramatic difference in air quality. When there are strong winds, the air can be breatheable, but when there is none, its toxic…

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Chinese Fashion from Chinesepeoplehavenostyle.com

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 14, 2011

The site http://www.chinesepeoplehavenostyle.com is informative and witty. The author of the blog is a guy who is studying design and is here in the country of grunge giving us an idea of the good and bad in Chinese attire.

Here is a snippet:
“And as if red weren’t already popular enough, it’s also included in a lot of military wear and uniforms… So it was most likely the government that influenced mass aesthetics in Chinese society initially, and these colors’ popularity carry on today; so the Chinese government in a way can be seen as the origin for this mass affinity for such colors, which seems funny but makes sense when you think about it…

To continue reading go here or
here http://chinesepeoplehavenostyle.com/2011/12/14/12-day-countdown-to-christmas-day-2-seeing-green-and-red/

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