Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for December 23rd, 2011

Fake Drugs, Fake Orgasms , Fake China

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 23, 2011

“More than 80% of aphrodisiac drugs on the Chinese market are believed to be fake, reports the local Beijing News. In addition to fetching ridiculously high prices, the false products have caused extensive health hazards, including some deaths.”

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“Blow Up the Cackle Box”- Funny Chinese Menu Translation

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 23, 2011

I have no idea what this food is, but I found it on the menu at a Chinese eatery. But apparently it has to do with destroying something…..

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China’s Housing Bubble is Bursting….

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 23, 2011

This site talks about how China is slashing housing prices amidst a downturn cue to government controls on house purchases. A few years ago it was crazy here. Realtors hung outside their numerous offices offering near death traps for over $3000 per square meter. When this was not enough, they raised the prices to be in excess 6000-10,000 per meter.
For anyone who has lived here and been brave enough to spend a protracted period of time in the future disasters the Chinese call homes, you knew that the bubble could not last.
The problems is thta Chinese cannot invest freely in overseas markets, thus their options are limited. In addition, they realize that chinese stocks are a risk, so they purchase houses. The problem is that now uncle chicom is curtailing this behavior and an ensuing decline in house prices is inevitable.

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Another Case of Industrial Espionage from a Chinese

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 23, 2011

America has masochistic tendencies, or so it would seem. China is hacking us to death and sending people to bring back US secrets ‘1 grain at a time’ and we do nothing about it.

The news is filled with things like Chinese hacking into our databases, our military and just today into a US business lobbying group. And what do we as a country do? Nothing but support the axis of evil and thieving communist vz taking weekly trips to Wal-mart and such.

As if all that were not enough, we now have more Chinese students in US universities than those of any other countries. True enough most of them are duds and could not find their ass with both hands, but surely they know how to steal and copy, after all, they are Chinese.

This article talks about a Chinese guy who stole business secrets worth millions, a thing the Chinese should patent. In the country of Kleptomaniacs, this sort of thing is the norm….

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