Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for December 26th, 2011

China Lovers and Apologists

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 26, 2011

China apologists are people who have no clue about the realities of China or are willing to overlook them for whatever reason. For the most part they are either people who have never been here but despise or do not like nor understand why some people would bash or misrepresent such an ancient people.

What these people fail to understand are the hard cold realities of this place and her history. If one takes the time to read about the Chinese today and a few hundred years ago, they would find that this place has been wounded for a long time.
These apologists, however, prefer to think of the shittiness of China as due to a combination of foreign influence and strife or trauma from the cultural revolution. The funny thing is that the same things that happen today happened thousands of years ago, but these people fail to see this.

My father is an example of an apologist. Before I came, he thought he knew, and to a certain extent, still thinks he knows China well (he has read quite a bit but never been here). Due to alleged health issues, however, he will not come to the land of grunge and despair- China.

I feel it my mission to fill him in on the brutal nature of this place, and he usually has an excuse for them.

My question is why is it that those people who have never been to China or stayed at the Hilton in Shanghai, or worse yet, have never been here but due to the fact that they have poked a Chinese woman , now pretend to know this place inside and out.

As for me, I dont know jack, and i have been here for years. I work , I studied and I even taught a bit but yet i am still appalled by much of what I see.

Just recently my dad sent me a message about China’s 500kmh high speed train. My response was ‘300kmh was fast enough to kill as many as they needed to, so why up the speed?

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Fearful of Communists and Migrating…

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 26, 2011

According to this site, asylum seekers from communist thugs can migrate to the land of plenty – USA. The verbiage is as follows:
“The Refugee Act brought US law into line with international human rights standards, specifically the 1951 UN Convention and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. The United States had ratified the Protocol in 1968, thus becoming bound by the Convention’s provisions. While the previous law recognized only refugees from Communism, the Refugee Act was modeled on the convention’s non-ideological standard of a “well-founded fear of persecution.”

After living here, it is painfully obvious that all non commies, ie nearly 1,200,000,000 should be able to migrate due to a
” “well-founded fear of persecution.”

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China Tries to Set High Speed Death Record

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 26, 2011

China, who has problems telling the truth and keeping large moving objects like cars, buses and trains, from killing people, are attempting to make the world’s fastest train.
The funny thing is that China’s railroads had a billion dollar scandal vz corruption, and will spend less money next year on trains. What this really means is that all bribes will still be paid and money stolen, that is the communist way, but with the little bit of cash left the Chinese will attempt to make trains safe,,,,,yeah right…..
Story here

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Christmas in China

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 26, 2011

China has some Christians, but as a whole, the religiosity of the people is lacking. Thus, Christmas time here is sourly lacking. Sure they play all the music and smile and say “Hey Merry Christmas!!” But you know they don’t get it.
In a country that has never had a real indigenous (yes they even had to steal that), it is hard to take them seriously when they try to relate to traditions from the west.

Also, in China, during the Christmas season it is next to impossible to see a foreign film at the theaters. I have no idea why this is, for all Chinese and foreigners alike know that local cinema and flicks suck.

For Christmas viewing yesterday we were treated to the story of the ‘Long March’, which cemented Mao’s place in communism. I guess while you folks cut the turkey and opened presents, we were learning about that guy named Bosshard and how skillful China’s savior, Mao was…

some cultural differences really suck

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Beijing Smog Photos

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 26, 2011

Here is a good shot of what real pollution is like. China has something like 16 of the 20 most polluted cities on the planet…..

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