Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for December 19th, 2011

“Bang-Bang” Chinaman Shoots Up Chinese Embassy in USA

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 19, 2011

The funny thing about the Chinese is that they have a love-hate relationship with the ‘motherland’. For instance, they will tirelessly go on about the good of Mao and the need for the communist party, but secretly they do not care for their people and their homeland.
This story exemplifies this dichotomy.
In the story, a Chinese guy who has now been offered a ‘free pass on civility’ or a green card to the USA, shot up the Chinese embassy. The man who is 67 and seen the horrors of communism, was obviously upset with the ‘homeland’ for all of the ill it has wrought.
This man, I fear, would be the first to defend China, were one of us to ask him about his home.
The odd thing is that many Chinese do not readily admit that they are Chinese and when forced to do so do it with a fury. Thus, this man who decided to take potshots at the embassy of his country, represents the truly bizarre nature of the Chinese psyche….

Story here

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China’s Impending Collapse

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 19, 2011

Excellent comment from Da Brew on China’s Economy. (actually Brewskie is forwarding a comment)

“Ha! This lad said the smartest thing I’ve read in a week; get this…

“Sign of imminent hard landing can be measured by number of CCP looters fleeing the country recently. The fuse for the time bomb is getting shorter and shorter. The musical chair has only a few notes to crank out. As the old China hands say ‘you don’t predict earthquake by looking at the seismic machine, you watch the behavior of dogs, chickens, pigs fleeing in all directions.’ “

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Kim Jung Ill is Dead

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 19, 2011

Some little guy with a funny haircut called Kim Jung Il is dead. With a last name like ‘Il’, it’s no wonder the guy ‘bouht the farm’ at 69 years of age. The guy will be replaced by his son who is 26 or so. In all honesty, outside of the tens of millions who suffered under this thug, who really cares?

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Wukan China Sets Up Own Government

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 19, 2011

The villagers of Wukan may be forming , or attempting to form their own governing unit outside of communism.
The party is upset and sent soldiers to the visit but is hesitant to pull a ‘Tianenman’ and piss off the entire country….

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Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 19, 2011

China’s economy is slowing. Of course not all countries can claim stellar results such as China has had, but then again not everyone has had the entire world rushing to their shores and disregarding all rules of mankind just to sell their goods. But yes we have done this in China.
But now the good times are over.
What this means is that each day now, we do not receive so many calls from realtors selling over priced houses. In addition, gone from their canary eyes is the arrogance the masses once had. they now see the light and know that the hunger of the 50s can be visited if they do not get their collective shit together.
And this is what scares them, for they, above all, really know how badly this place is. They know of the imperfections the fraud and deceit. They know that they have been lapping at the pap of an unsustainable cruel joke meted upon the world.
For China has been held aloft as a model, an example of all that is good and possible, but in reality it is not. To a great extent it is a house of cards built upon fraudulent communist promises and poor quality. The crash of this place cannot come soon enough…..

Story here

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China’s Housing Bubble is Bursting….

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 19, 2011

This site talks about how China is slashing housing prices amidst a downturn cue to government controls on house purchases. A few years ago it was crazy here. Realtors hung outside their numerous offices offering near death traps for over $3000 per square meter. When this was not enough, they raised the prices to be in excess 6000-10,000 per meter.
For anyone who has lived here and been brave enough to spend a protracted period of time in the future disasters the Chinese call homes, you knew that the bubble could not last.
The problems is thta Chinese cannot invest freely in overseas markets, thus their options are limited. In addition, they realize that chinese stocks are a risk, so they purchase houses. The problem is that now uncle chicom is curtailing this behavior and an ensuing decline in house prices is inevitable.

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