Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for December 29th, 2011

Chinese Emigrate to the USA then Complain

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 29, 2011

Affluent Chinese- aka – thieves or sons and daughters of thieves (remember 80-90% of all Chinese millionaires and billionaires are communist party members or their family. This group of thieves is emigrating to civilization for they have decided that after fouling lup China so badly that for nearly 1,339,000,0000 people, it has become almost unlivable.
The land is fallow, the ground and air toxic and what has not been already contaminated by businesses, gets contaminated by producers of rice, gutter oil and milk.
But, this group of thieves, after being allowed to suck off the pap of civility and leave the land they have destroyed, are complaining. See article here and excerpt below.
They complain for they have to do things like pay taxes and at times cannot get social security…. wtf?
Here is a batch of commie thugs, who if given the chance would nuke us into oblivion and who have been given a free pass to live like humans and they are bitching?
The funny thing is that through it all, these dunces will be just as miserable in whatever country they decide to infest, for their anger is more about who they are and from whence they come as opposed to where they now live and what they now do…..fk em…
“….Jerry is disappointed with what he thought would be a United States rife with social welfare benefits. “Many immigrants I know can’t get pension or only got little pension because they didn’t spend much time working and didn’t pay much tax,” he said.
What is especially bothering Jerry is the US’ graduated taxation system, a curious complaint given that China has similarly progressive tax brackets. He was upset that he had to give over half of his before-tax income of over US$1 million to the US government last year, not to mention taxes on real estate property in the US and his earnings in China.
from here http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?cid=1103&MainCatID=&id=20111230000038

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Christmas Has Passed

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 29, 2011

In China, as in civilization, Christmas is well behind us. This must be a comforting thought to all who inhabit this toxic filled land.

While they do their best to smear on smiles and act like, ‘hey its Christmas, lets be merry!” they have little clue as to what it really means.Thus, to them ‘faking Christmas’, is like they fake all else. They build up a shoddy exterior to hide the futile bird boned structure that lies beneath waiting to crumble when used as planned.

To them, this time, along with the ‘barbarian new year’, ie January 1, are idiosyncrasies they will tolerate while they still feel inside that they are right and we are stupid barbarians.

How can China not be the best, they reason, we’ve been around for thousands of years…

The funny thing is that upon living here you see just how little they have learned in all their time.
-independent thought
-proper use of a finger and or kleenex
-proper use of a toilet

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Chinese Subway

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 29, 2011

Here is what we endure on a daily basis just to get to work….

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Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 29, 2011

2 2 my badass rabbit got some new clothes, but she’s not happy about it. I think she looks like she’s ready for her first communion, but she does not seem to agree.


Actually that is a collar that is used so she does not lick antibiotic that was applied to her skin…

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2 2 My Panda Rabbit Has a New Wardrobe

Posted by w_thames_the_d on December 29, 2011

2 2 my badass rabbit got some new clothes, but she’s not happy about it. I think she looks like she’s ready for her first communion, but she does not seem to agree.


Actually that is a collar that is used so she does not lick antibiotic that was applied to her skin…

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