Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for February 4th, 2012

China’s Communist thug Leaders Theiving, Scamming and Leaving Before the Implosion

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 4, 2012

The china of today will not be the same one we see in the future. Whether the Chicoms go rogue and revisit Mao years, or they create a perverse red democracy replete with state sponsored theft as a key is anybody s guess. But too much has happened to assume the status quo.
One thing, however, is obvious. The communists are on a whirlwind mission to steal as much as they can and send it and their malignant tumor’s (child) off to civilization before their theft is caught and punished.
Oh yeah , the commie thugs also are a business cabal


The assessment of what motivates China’s opaque top-level decision-makers was relayed to Washington in July 2009 in one of the 250,000 cables published by the WikiLeaks website.
“China’s top leadership had carved up China’s economic ‘pie,'” the US embassy contact said, “creating an ossified system in which ‘vested interests’ drove decision-making and impeded reform as leaders maneuvered to ensure that those interests were not threatened.” The US embassy contact also asserted there were no “reformers” within the top Communist Party leadership, only competing factions that sought to protect their business empires from attack by in-coming leaderships.

The man tipped as China’s next leader, Xi Jinping, was selected, not for his leadership qualities but, the contact said, because he “maintained a non-threatening low profile and had never made enemies” and could be relied upon not to wage political vendettas through anti-corruption investigations.
“The central feature of leadership politics was the need to protect oneself and one’s family from attack after leaving office. Thus, current leaders carefully cultivated proteges who would defend their interests once they stepped down,” the contact said.

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Chinese Locusts Invade Hong Kong

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 4, 2012

Hong Kongers are upset with the fact that Chinese locusts have invaded their land. Over thirty percent of all babies born in hong kong last year were from the Chinese mainland and thirty percent of all houses as well.
Mao was right, he told the fckers to stay home and do something useful like write self criticisms, starve or better yet, beat each other with clubs. Mao made sure that the Chinese were not a blight on the world, a thing that is now becoming more obvious.
With their uncouth ways, knockoffs, and lack of respect for man, beast and child, the behavior of the modern chinaman makes me understand why Mao did what he did.

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China Jails Bloggers for Spreading Rumors

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 4, 2012

China has jailed people for spreading rumors. I guess it is no wonder we love to do business there. If someone disagrees with you, you just disappear them…

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China Jails Bloggers for Spreading Rumors

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 4, 2012

China has jailed people for spreading rumors. I guess it is no wonder we love to do business there. If someone disagrees with you, you just disappear them…

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China Jails Bloggers for Spreading Rumors

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 4, 2012

China has jailed people for spreading rumors. I guess it is no wonder we love to do business there. If someone disagrees with you, you just disappear them…

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