Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for February 12th, 2012

The King Gets a Reprieve From Hell and Goes to Hong Kong

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 12, 2012

The King aka Gowron has found his way back to civilization- Hong Kong. Unfortunately for that land mass the Chinese locusts have infested it, but it still has to be better than this place.
Here is a comment from the King’

Mao the Third, babbles nonsensically!

why can’t this fucking government fall already FALL FALL FALLLLLLL”

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Taiwan’s Jeremy Lin Bitch Slaps Kobe

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 12, 2012

Taiwan’s first NBA star got his chops after schooling Kobe. The cool things about him are that he went to school at Harvard which means that unlike 99% of all balla’s , he actually has an understanding of how to write and speak proper English.
China , however, is not impressed. They are pissed that Taiwan does not suck them off and coming running back to the motherland/new reich. After Yao, the mook has decided to call it quits, China with over 20% of all the people in the world, still cannot find a few guys with enough skill and coordination to dominate roundball. I could go off on an anti-china rant and how the lack of brothers and sisters has turned the new generation into gelatin, but their problems are much deeper.They suck at sports
And even if they did not, and some genetic component did not exist, there is still another problem. How can a chinese dad teach his kid how to play catch when all he learned as a kid was hate and anti-capitalist propaganda?

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China Halts Dam Building on Dry Lake

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 12, 2012

China was going to build a dam on this lake, but fate served them up a curveball. By the time they wanted to build it, the water had all but disappeared. Mother nature rocks and the reds suck

Go Mother Nature!!!

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Lubway or Subway Sandwich- Chinese Knockoffs in Law School

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 12, 2012

Here is a photo of that a friend passed to me. This sandwich is called ‘Lubway’ but looks like Subway. He purchased it thinking it was from Subway. The law says that it is illegal to make a copy of a registered product name or image that may confuse the customer and that is what happened here.
Interestingly enough, the sandwich was purchased at one of the leading law schools in China, one where most of the judges study. Is anyone surprised?

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