Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for February 29th, 2012

Video of a Chinese Subway

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 29, 2012

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First Hand Look at the Reality of Chinese Construction

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 29, 2012

Great find from the King of Brews, Brewskie.
He has forwarded the story of the dismal state of housing construction in China….

From the BrewMan
“Oh dude, dude, dude, dude… this is some good shit here!

It’s a gem. This is a rare moment of perfection where everyone’s on the A-game; it’s as if you’re working with the Founding Fathers, or Neils Bohr, Albert Einstein and Max Planck under one roof, or you have a diamond of a presidential administration (think FDR or Eisenhower). In a day of high-price oil, it’s as if you struck a Ghawar oil field with your shovel; or you saw a parade float batter belt one out of Wrigley Field, straight into Lake Michigan, and he trances around the bases with a giant middle finger comprised of his smoldering bat at the slack-jawed pitcher

A good fellow named Sascha writes a blog about his experience in Chengdu. Here he writes about construction quality in town, and surprise surprise, it sucks. Vouching for Sascha are the commentators; all but one, a likely dipshit commie or elitist trust fund kid, agreed and spelled out their observations, too.

However, as good as Sascha’s essay is, I instead will be citing what a reader wrote first (I’ll cite Sascha’s work later or tomorrow or whenever; or you can do the dirty work if you like) – which actually BEATS Sascha’s post!!! (He looked through 50 apartments in 3 months…) Yes, this is wordy and long as hell, but worth the time.

Story here

“So began my soon to be arduously comical search for a decent place to live in the city. I was particularly diligent in my search, wanting to get a good feel for real estate in Chengdu, not least as I’m here working for a property developer myself. I used a number of websites to build a list of properties/apartments, and also began vetting agents who seemed at least half way efficient. Little did I know!

At first I was looking at the most recently completed complexes in various points across the city, though initially just in the South. ‘Master’ building was one such property, and I recall being shocked the moment I got within the perimeter of the building at just how unbelievably bad the workmanship was on all of the exterior finishing. Misplaced/misaligned glass panels, non uniform sealant, poorly finished concrete, uneven/sloppy paintwork, and a slew of construction debris still remaining. It wasn’t about to get any better once I stepped inside!

I was met by an agent who had set up some 5 or 6 ‘viewings’, which I then found out often meant standing around waiting for the landlord to get him/herself in gear and show up. Another phenomenon here in Chengdu/China is the developers practice of selling units without finishing of any kind, leaving purchasers to carry out all such works themselves. I should point out it is my job to essentially oversee all facets of new construction from the ground up, right through to purchase. One major component of my job is to critique finishing, and then subsequently create deficiency lists for all sub contractors, who then typically return and make good. It was pretty clear from the get go that no such lists are being made here. I couldn’t believe just how bad everything had been put together, let alone the often hideous colour/textile coordination on display. From purple couches on green carpet, to cracks running the entire length of walls, I was in new territory, and it was scary as hell.

I was met by an agent who had set up some 5 or 6 ‘viewings’, which I then found out often meant standing around waiting for the landlord to get him/herself in gear and show up. Another phenomenon here in Chengdu/China is the developers practice of selling units without finishing of any kind, leaving purchasers to carry out all such works themselves. I should point out it is my job to essentially oversee all facets of new construction from the ground up, right through to purchase. One major component of my job is to critique finishing, and then subsequently create deficiency lists for all sub contractors, who then typically return and make good. It was pretty clear from the get go that no such lists are being made here. I couldn’t believe just how bad everything had been put together, let alone the often hideous colour/textile coordination on display. From purple couches on green carpet, to cracks running the entire length of walls, I was in new territory, and it was scary as hell.

This continued on for almost 3 months, in which time I viewed a total of 50+ apartments. I’d had to put up with agents showing me properties that didn’t match in any way what I’d specified, along with all the cat and mousing, to finally accepting that I needed to just take something to save me from my search nightmare. And so I settled for a 2 bedroom furnished apartment on the 35th floor of one of the Times Residence buildings. Newly completed beside Lang Kwai Fong, and since having become the most expensive real estate in downtown Chengdu, I was at least happy to have found something new, with an awesome South view from the living room and bedrooms. The games began pretty much immediately. Over the next 6 months I fell into a continuous battle with the landlord’s property ‘managers’, who had been assigned to take care of the 5 properties comprising the 35th floor he had bought as an investment. I did some homework and found out that he had originally let his ‘girlfriend’ take care of the finishing, at which point it became fairly obvious that she had taken the money and spent as little as possible on construction costs and furnishings. In my 6 months tenancy I had to endure 3 kitchen floods, failing back flow preventers (creating a permanent stink throughout the apartment), a faulty shower drain, a front door that wouldn’t lock, intermittent power cuts, and a whole host of defects due to poor finishing. I’ve probably forgotten a few items, but I’m not going to think too hard on it trying to remember, the experience itself was draining enough. It took almost 3 months to get a response to anything, whilst my agent had absolved himself of any responsibility in that time, and finally in the fourth month I was sat down trying to negotiate with the managers. It became immediately clear they did not have a clue how to go about fixing anything, and even though I’d helped them create a thorough step by step list of things ‘to do’, they fell short by continuing to bring workers into the apartment who may as well have been blind. Sure enough a comedy of errors ensued, with works needing to be redone almost as soon as they were complete. In the end I gave up and went about finding a new place.”

continue here

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Photo of Luxury Chinese Bed

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 29, 2012

Here is a photo from mop.com showing a bit of Chinese culture and class. This guy is draped over his seat taking a snooze.

How many thousands of years have the Chinese been living like this?

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Russia Says Chinese Submarines Suck

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 29, 2012

The world fears China’s army, but I do not know why. The journal of science proved that Chinese one-child men have a genetic pre-disposition to the ‘pussy man’ gene. Couple this with the fact that these ‘men’ , as a whole, have unresolved issues in their ‘penis envy’ stage of development, and we see we have little to fear.
Aside from this, the chicoms use weapons made in china, what more need be said?
Here is an article that says the Russians ranked ballistic submarines and said that Chinese submaries wuold cause more hamr to their users than to their foes.
Suck on this, China…

(ps, the photo is a top secret shot of new gen Chicom soldiers)

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Peaceful China Killing Her Muslims- Violence in Xinjiang

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 29, 2012

China has 55 minorities, but the minorities only make up 8% of the country. The Chinese, however, are doing their best to kill them off.
First it was the Buddhists in Sichuan and Tibet, and now the Muslims in Xinjiang. Due to unrest, the Chinese have imposed martial law after they gunned down a bunch of the minorities.
A good friend of mine has kin in the area and says its a war zone. The Muslims, they say, run around stabbing people, but then again, they are Chinese , so they would say that.
I have seen how the Chinese treat their minorities, and the Chinese deserve what they get.

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Swarm of Chinese “locusts”

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 29, 2012

The Hong Kongers call mainland Chinese locusts who use up resources and despoil their land. Here is what a swarm of Chines locusts looks like….

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China Rant, Obama Rant, Rant from The King- Part 1

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 29, 2012

Here is the King at his best

All rise….


Psychotic Pyronypm sets girl on fire….

Jesus Christ man there are more fish in the sea! Next time don’t greet her with the traditional Chinese shit on the ground infront of her, so she smells your phremones and accepts you into her tribe method. Because the problem is, She smells NOTHING, then laughs at you for offering her tribe nothing. And somehow laws have changed so you couldn’t do the second opinion and rub her face into your midriff so she smells your “manly” triangle through your unwashed pants, all she’ll smell is piss, and the drugs you smoked. Thus marking you not as a healthy caveman needed to promogulate her tribes genes beyond, Tonga the Leader of Ringo Starr’s tribe.

Next time just dangle some worthless shiny fresh 5 Wujao coins, and she’ll think you’re some kind of light being as the worthless Wujao coins (uncirculated much, and given back to cashiers in disguist), are spotless, reflects into her daziled enthralled eyes

– –


Chinese youths (the ones who didn’t drink Sanpoo milk and turned into fags), Tell the CPC one important thing “FUCK….. You…….China”.

As they chant down the CPC, on Nobama’s Socials. Geee and Poo Gin (the potent portable) Down’s facebook has ZERO friends. “You have 0 friends” (THIS is why facebook is banned in China).

Well Obama! What will you do NOW. Won’t this be a crowing ga ga on your holy magical crown presidency granting FREEDOM. Is like a B-boy circle where one boy vogues and gives you the “eye ball!” Oh no you didn’t wag finger….. a DIRECT challenge to your manhood Obama. and no “Shooting hoops with the troops is not being a man). Hell the screechy screaming Will Smith is more of a man than you are. Fuck PRINCE ( is more of a man than you are!

Will history remember your so called historic presidency, for the Presidency, where the PRESIDENT of the FREE WORLD, is challenged or begged for everything America stands for: Give me your wreched, tired, hungry, masses yearning to be free”. You’ve been served Obama!

But let’s get fucking real. You’re going to do jack, a final big chance to define your presidency, yet you’ll do nothing. Not even to satisfy your ego? “O” Man (parody of Superman). Nothing has REALLY “Changed” in America has it? A country intended to turn mere wo-men into Godesess, (Washington as Zeus). You have failed to reinvigourate the dream of Black America, (to once again, he human equals (citizens of a democratic country), where Black students excelled in schools and became larger than life Man-Gods, like any American who dares to dream the American Dream!

Neverless the challenge is still there Obama. China will eventually evolve to a “functional” 2nd world democracy (oh well it’s still infinatly better, and any step up even it if is covered in shit footprint, is still a step up). The question you want to ask yourself Obama and your “O”, will you be the one to help pressure China to Change. Or will you ignore this chance to feed your bloated ego?

Doesn’t China deserve this final fuck you, for 4 years Fool Gin D’oh, has fucked you over. It’s like a teen movie, on Grad night during a party where crafty nerds knock out the stinky ogre mutant, and puts a tutu on him, and his dick it to a dog, Or are you just going to let Fool, laugh at you to the grave, as both of you retire out of our lives for good. I for one, hope you fuck Fool Gin D’oh in the ass one last time.

At least Napoleon gave it one last shot! and although he lost, he still took out lots with him.

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Patriotism, Innovation, Inclusiveness and Virtue- in China? WTF???

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 29, 2012

Chinese communists like slogans as much as consultants like nifty little exercises to awaken our inner Einstein or Jobs.

This pic shows what China considers to be the soul of their little despoiled pot of land. Lets examine all four of these concepts in the context of the Chinese spirit, shall we?

Patriotism- 96% of all Chinese would leave this shit stain if they could and communists, as we speak, are sending their toxic offspring to civilization so that they can be ABC, anywhere but China
Innovation- Over 80% of all fake goods world-wide come from China. It is estimated that by not following the intellectual property rights laws that the Chinese have in place, they are stealing over 2 million US jobs
Inclusiveness- As we speak the chinese are murdering Tibetans in a cultural genocide and repressing all of the folks in Xinjiang. Aside from that, they have over 1200 missiles aimed at the island of Taiwan, that naughty little renegade province. The ‘han’ ethnicity, or sons of heaven, do not like competition.

Virtue– In December of 2011 alone, four communist party officials killed their mistresses out of fear of their affair being discovered

China, the home of the free….

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