Understanding China, One Blog at a Time

An American in China

Archive for February 13th, 2012

Chinese Locusts- anti China Video From Hong Kong

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 13, 2012

Here is a video that Hong Kongers have made about mainland Chinese. It is pretty telling and shows you guys what to watch out for. As they leave this dump and mingle with humans, you will get a sampling of life in hell.
Welcome to china, reverse Darwinism in action…


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Chinese Democracy- aka Benevolent Dictatorship

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 13, 2012

China knows that it’s form of governance, ie a long stick and an electronic inner-anal-baton-of-submission, do not make for pretty sound bites. After all, who wants to be the only other country besides north Korea and Cuba that is rocking communism?
Yeah, it’s a little humiliating for Chinese to admit that theirs is a country ruled by dung faced dwarves with microscopic members who believe Ina form of governance that went out of style with frizzy perms?

But of course, being Chinese, they do not readily fess up to being commies at all, for that would be silly, wouldn’t it?

So, what do they do? They say that china has democracy, at the highest levels.

Hmmm, let’s think about that. So, china apologists, aka nerdy guys who can do no better than a sludge faced local, and 1,340,000,000 Chinese mean to say that nine, count ’em nine guys out of 1,340,000,000 who rule this slop trough actually follow democratic mores?

Technically they may be correct, but then again, technically Hitler was democratic, and Stalin as well. For at some level, they all shared the decision making with others.. For that matter Jeffrey Dahmer was said to have asked his dates what they wanted to do before attempting to embalm them alive. Thus he too was democratic.

Technically most living organisms would be democratic would they not? The birds fighting over bread scraps make a unanimous decision to flock over and all those dogs that Michael killed made a democratic decision to fight other dogs, they could have walked away right?

So, yeah technically they may be use democratics precepts, but then again who knows? For just like a satanic cult, all of what they do is shrouded in secrecy, incantations and deceit.

The next time you read about Chinese leaders having democracy at the top, remember this little ditty and share the love…..Democracy is not nine jr beelzebubs deciding the fate of the masses

Btw what is it that the King always says about China?….

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China to Equip Worlds Tallest Disaster With Bullet Elevators

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 13, 2012

China, who is unbridled with such things as providing health care and pensions for her droogies, is all about the bling. They are currently building the worlds largest disaster to be, aka some tall building in Shanghai.
The good thing about the Chinese, however , is that are smart enough to hire someone else to build their elevators for them.
Japan’s Mitsubishi will be installing ‘bullet elevators’ for in this hovel. How funny is it that china has to suck off their arch enemy to get some quality elevators built? And how funy is it that the elevators are called bullet elevators?
Does it mean bullet as in the bullet Japan still owes china for retaking her land? Or bullet as in ‘bite the bullet when this elevator plunges to mother earth after Chinese companies fail to perform routine maintenance like in those cases in chingqing and shanghai where the elevators slammed to the deck?’
Hmmm, I don’t know about you, but I can think of no other place I’d like to have an office than the 100th floor of some building made by Chinese…..
Any bets on how long the thing lasts till it either sinks into the mud or tips over?
Story here

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China to Equip Worlds Tallest Disaster With Bullet Elevators

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 13, 2012

China, who is unbridled with such things as providing health care and pensions for her droogies, is all about the bling. They are currently building the worlds largest disaster to be, aka some tall building in Shanghai.
The good thing about the Chinese, however , is that are smart enough to hire someone else to build their elevators for them.
Japan’s Mitsubishi will be installing ‘bullet elevators’ for in this hovel. How funny is it that china has to suck off their arch enemy to get some quality elevators built? And how funy is it that the elevators are called bullet elevators?
Does it mean bullet as in the bullet Japan still owes china for retaking her land? Or bullet as in ‘bite the bullet when this elevator plunges to mother earth after Chinese companies fail to perform routine maintenance like in those cases in chingqing and shanghai where the elevators slammed to the deck?’
Hmmm, I don’t know about you, but I can think of no other place I’d like to have an office than the 100th floor of some building made by Chinese…..
Any bets on how long the thing lasts till it either sinks into the mud or tips over?
Story here

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Chinese Locusts Invade The World

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 13, 2012

Hong kong, a place that has been sent to hell vz being returned to China, has said that the mainland Chinese invasion is like the Biblical locusts, and truer words were never spoken.

Over 10,000 mainland one child burdens cross into HK each day and take part in its good free education, just because these parasites were hatched in that place. The same will happen in America when Obama and John -creepy bastard -Locke allow more of that human pollution into our fair land.

This is the sad story of china. They pollute all they touch and then run off and touch more. Like some big dumb retarded kid in art class, they scratch their dirty ass then we all watch as they fumble along the wall smearing it. We are all like ‘damn what a stupid bastard’ then we laugh when somebody runs up and gives china a snuggie. But at the end of the day, there is still shit everywhere.

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Samuel L Jackson Votes Obama Because He’s Black and who is the Racist?

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 13, 2012

Samuel L Jackson says he voted for obunghole due to his color. Props to the Sam man for his honesty, really. I respect a person who can speak their mind and disdain those who don’t. Some of those who may wish to ‘honest up’ like the Sam man, are all those whites who voted for Obama for the same reason, his color.
For them it was fear. A fear of not voting their conscious and being seen as a bigot. As if not voting for Obama made you one.

all the whites who feel it cache to give themselves a ‘beat down’ over their whiteness and the oppression of blacks, While in public, are the same ones who would shit a plutonium brick if their little daughter actually dated one. Perhaps it’s time to call a spade a spade, as it were.

Blacks, generally, believe that whites are biased and whites believe that blacks got their jobs due to affirmative action, period. We all know that a company receives one point for hiring a black man and two for a black woman for she is a dual minority. Do I think this stinks? Sure do.

But, in order to increase the level of minorities, that is what we as a society have decided upon, so I accept it. So when a guy like Samuel L comes off with some honesty, he deserves a hand (eventhough a white guy would have burned had he said the same thing).
Speaking of white guys, this man put up a rebel flag in his yard and was told to take it down….wtf?
If Samuel L can speak his mind, then so can this guy.

Flag story here
Samuel story here


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What It’s Like to Live in China

Posted by w_thames_the_d on February 13, 2012

If you ever wondered what it is like living in China, picture hell with more pollution and kinder people.
How else do you describe a place where 1.34 billion people all would rather be living in any other country? And 1.34 billion people would do anything to make a buck?

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